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Uncovering Subdomains: How to Leverage Nodesub for Enhanced Bug Bounty Programs

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Mastering Subdomain Enumeration: A Comprehensive Guide to Nodesub

In the world of bug bounty programs, success often hinges on the ability to uncover hidden vulnerabilities and weak points within a target system.

Subdomains, often overlooked but crucial, can be a goldmine for ethical hackers and security enthusiasts.

Meet Nodesub, your trusty command-line companion in the quest for discovering subdomains.

In this article, we’ll explore how Nodesub supports various subdomain enumeration techniques and provides flexible options for customization, making it an indispensable tool for enhancing your bug bounty endeavors.

Subdomain Enumeration Made Easy

Nodesub simplifies the process of subdomain enumeration by offering several robust techniques. Let’s delve into these methods and see how they can supercharge your bug bounty efforts.

Nodesub is a command-line tool for finding subdomains in bug bounty programs. It supports various subdomain enumeration techniques and provides flexible options for customization.

  • Perform subdomain enumeration using CIDR notation (Support input list).
  • Perform subdomain enumeration using ASN (Support input list).
  • Perform subdomain enumeration using a list of domains.

1. CIDR Notation Enumeration

CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation is a powerful way to specify IP address ranges. The tool supports CIDR notation as input, allowing you to target specific IP address ranges. Here’s how to perform subdomain enumeration using CIDR notation:

node nodesub.js -c -o subdomains.txt
node nodesub.js -c CIDR.txt -o subdomains.txt

2. ASN Enumeration

Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) are used to identify networks on the internet. The tool enables you to perform subdomain enumeration based on ASNs, giving you a precise approach to target specific networks. Here’s how to do it:

node nodesub.js -a AS12345 -o subdomains.txt
node nodesub.js -a ASN.txt -o subdomains.txt

3. Domain List Enumeration

For a more traditional approach, The tool allows you to enumerate subdomains using a list of domain names. This versatile method is perfect for broadening your scope. Simply provide a list of domains as input, and Nodesub will do the rest.


To get started with Nodesub, installation is a breeze. Execute the following command to install The tool globally:

npm install -g nodesub

Additionally, don’t forget to edit the configuration file at ~/.config/nodesub/config.ini to tailor The tool to your preferences. This is where you can fine-tune its behavior according to your specific needs.


  • Enumerate subdomains for a single domain:

  • Enumerate subdomains for a list of domains from a file

Comprehensive Output Options

This tool doesn’t just stop at enumeration; it also provides multiple output formats to suit your preferences. Depending on your requirements, you can choose from the following output formats:

  • Text (txt)
  • JSON (json)
  • CSV (csv)
  • PDF (pdf)

This flexibility ensures that you can analyze the results in a format that best fits your workflow. Whether you prefer a neatly structured JSON file or a straightforward text document, the tool has you covered.

Taking It Further: Recursive Enumeration

For those who seek comprehensive results, The tool offers an option for recursive subdomain enumeration. By using the -r flag, you can instruct The tool to explore subdomains recursively, potentially uncovering even more hidden gems within your target domain.

Here’s an example of how to use it:

nodesub -u -r -o output.json -f json

Wrapping Up

In the world of bug bounty programs, every advantage counts. Nodesub, with its array of subdomain enumeration techniques and customization options, equips you with the tools you need to stay ahead of the curve. Whether you prefer CIDR notation, ASN-based enumeration, or domain list enumeration, The tool empowers you to uncover vulnerabilities effectively.

So, next time you embark on a bug bounty journey, make The tool your trusted companion. It’s not just a tool; it’s a key to unlocking hidden opportunities and enhancing your bug bounty success.

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