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Fighting Cybercrime with Maltego: Optimize your Law Enforcement Investigations

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In the realm of cybercrime, discovering leads and tracking down hidden criminal activities involves an overwhelming process of cross-referencing separate data sources, identifying relevant data, and compiling constructive profiles. Used by many officers and agents in law enforcement, Maltego has served as a powerful solution that increases the speed and precision of complex cybercrime investigations.

Optimized law enforcement workflows using Maltego

Investigative Analysis with Maltego in Cybercrime and Law Enforcement 🔗︎

Maltego helps law enforcement officials solve ongoing cases and monitor suspicious activities by streamlining the workflow, starting from data access and visualization, to enhancing investigative capabilities, and facilitating internal and external collaboration. This allows investigators to navigate through massive amount of leads with complicated relationships and find crucial pivots, eventually uncovering digital evidence for prosecution and justice.

In investigative analysis and cybercrime inspection, extensive utilization and interpretation of the relationships between pieces of information is critical to ensuring substantial contribution to the prosecution’s efforts. Maltego helps detectives, police, and investigators to achieve particularly this challenge.

Maltego enhances criminal investigations and digital forensics

Learn more about how Maltego enhances criminal investigations and digital forensics here.

How Maltego Drives Criminal Investigations and Digital Forensics 🔗︎

Criminal Profiling and Social Media Investigations 🔗︎

With a wealth of data made accessible through Maltego and its customizable infrastructure integration possible, Maltego can be instrumental in driving investigations against cybercrime. Whether it is person-of-interest profiling or criminal network outlining, Maltego helps you follow digital footprints of criminals to identify them and assess the magnitude of their exploits​.

Officers and agents focusing on social media investigations also benefit from Maltego’s data mining and mapping capability. They work with Maltego to analyze and understand social networks of personnel, influence, location, interests, and groups.

Accelerated Investigation of Mobile Phone Data via Digital Forensics 🔗︎

For digital forensics teams, data extracted from mobile phones and other devices may be imported into Maltego to carry out graphical analyses of correlated links, which is how Maltego contributes to the digital forensics of the German Police. Maltego can extend the investigation with its OSINT data, third-party intelligence, as well as with internal databases. Finally, digital forensics investigators are able to quickly export the findings from Maltego investigations into the case management system to keep the investigation dossier up to date.

We are constantly documenting and sharing how Maltego supports law enforcement investigation to bring criminals to justice. Read more about these use cases in our blog or schedule a demo with our experts to discuss your needs and learn more about Maltego’s solutions.

Enhancing Data Analysis and Collaboration in Your Investigations 🔗︎

Improved and Secured Access to Digital Evidence 🔗︎

Maltego integrates and utilizes a wide range of data in one user interface through the Transform Hub. This includes data from your case and evidence management system, forensic tools, and our Standard and OSINT data. Intelligence of social media, dark web, cryptocurrency, and more are also accessible by integrating third-party intelligence databases such as Flashpoint, ShadowDragon, and CipherTrace. Many more are available to install and even offer free trials. With Maltego, you can pull and merge these distributed data and identify previously inconspicuous relationships between different pivots.

Maltego Data Sources for Law Enforcement Professionals

By deploying Maltego on on-premise servers, you avoid the risk of revealing your IP or Transform queries while obtaining and mapping out data. This is especially applicable for the sensitive nature of criminal investigations and digital forensics actions.

If you are interested in integrating your case and evidence management systems, or digital forensics data, we offer the following data integration services:

  • Use case discovery
  • Transform design and writing
  • Transform deployment, hosting and maintenance
  • Use case discovery

Link analysis tools like Maltego visualize complex connections between pivots and nodes in a graph that is intuitive to read. You can eliminate the time spent on irrelevant leads by removing trivial information and speed up investigations by automating repetitive tasks with Maltego Machines.

Using Maltego Machine to automate level 1 network footprint, running a series of necessary Transforms at a click on the mouse.

Seamless Collaboration across Teams and with Prosecutors 🔗︎

As a law enforcement officer, you can oversee investigation progress and gather insights across team members in Maltego by annotating and bookmarking notable nodes or indicators. The built-in chat windows allow multiple investigators to communicate while providing status updates on actions and changes being made within the graph.

Once the investigation reaches a milestone, you can easily share a live graph with internal and external teams, or generate reports automatically to present them as digital evidence for the prosecutors.

Fight Cybercrime with Maltego 🔗︎

We would love to discuss how we can further help you in your fight against cybercrime. To stay up to date with interesting use cases, product updates and Maltego events, follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn or subscribe to our email newsletter.

If you would like to learn more about how Maltego extends your cyber intelligence and investigation capabilities, schedule a demo and discuss your needs with our experts.

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