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Possible minor erros in nmap-os-db

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From: João Medeiros <ignotus21 () gmail com>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2022 14:28:23 -0300


I was parsing nmap-os-db for research purposes and found 3 empty
entries of the OPS field. I'm using the current version in the SVN
repository and sharing here so they could be corrected (if this is the

Line 6657: should OPS() be OPS(R=N)?
Line 14382: should OPS() be OPS(R=N)?
Line 101945: should OPS() be OPS(R=N)?

Best regards.

Att, João Medeiros
Sent through the dev mailing list
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  • Possible minor erros in nmap-os-db João Medeiros (Dec 23)

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