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Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.3 SQL Injection ≈ Mobile Hacker For Hire

Table of Contents

││ C r a C k E r ┌┘
┌┘ T H E C R A C K O F E T E R N A L M I G H T ││

┌──── From The Ashes and Dust Rises An Unimaginable crack…. ────┐
┌┘ [ Vulnerability ] ┌┘
: Author : CraCkEr :
│ Website : │
│ Vendor : Inout Scripts – Nesote Technologies Private Limited │
│ Software : Inout Multi-Vendor Shopping Cart 3.2.3 │
│ Vuln Type: SQL Injection │
│ Impact : Database Access │
│ │
│ ┌┘
: :
│ Release Notes: │
│ ═════════════ │
│ │
│ SQL injection attacks can allow unauthorized access to sensitive data, modification of │
│ data and crash the application or make it unavailable, leading to lost revenue and │
│ damage to a company’s reputation. │
│ │
┌┘ ┌┘


The_PitBull, Raz0r, iNs, SadsouL, His0k4, Hussin X, Mr. SQL

CryptoJob (Twitter)

┌┘ © CraCkEr 2023 ┌┘

Path: /index.php

POST parameter ‘val’ is vulnerable to SQLI


POST parameter ‘category’ is vulnerable to SQLI


POST parameter ‘startpage’ is vulnerable to SQLI

val=All&category=9 &startpage=0[INJECT-HERE]&real_price_min=250&real_price_max=34222&vendorid=0&size=&color=

POST parameter ‘real_price_min’ is vulnerable to SQLI

val=All&category=9 &startpage=0&real_price_min=250[INJECT-HERE]&real_price_max=34222&vendorid=0&size=&color=

POST parameter ‘real_price_max’ is vulnerable to SQLI

val=All&category=9 &startpage=0&real_price_min=250&real_price_max=34222[INJECT-HERE]vendorid=0&size=&color=

POST parameter ‘vendorid’ is vulnerable to SQLI

val=All&category=9 &startpage=0&real_price_min=250&real_price_max=34222&vendorid=0[INJECT-HERE]&size=&color=

[-] Done

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