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Data is beautiful and Darkwebathon 2022 has showed us how

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What a fantastic weekend spent with OSINT, Project Hades, and CipherTrace!

We at Maltego are thrilled and honored to sponsor the Darkwebathon 2022 for the second time and see through the challenges over the weekend.

Hosted by the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative, the Darkwebathon is a 6-hour sprint with 3 challenges: Hash, Email Address, and Cryptocurrency. Using Project Hades as well as other OSINT Transforms in Maltego, participants identify and profile potential traffickers by generating thousands of leads and actionable intelligence. And guess what? These slavery-fighting insights are also visually stunning.

Data is beautiful and the participants of Darkwebathon 2022 have shown us how. Over the weekend, they peppered the #OSINT and #MadewithMaltego LinkedIn hashtags with cool Maltego graphs to showcase their investigative work.

Here are some of the gems.

Larry Cameron combined Maltego with Project Hades and CipherTrace 🔗︎

Larry Cameron started off the train by sharing his graphs as part of the Darkwebathon 2022 promotion. In his posts, he used Maltego in combination with Project Hades Transforms and CipherTrace Transforms to explore a dark web scam directory.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his posts here and here.

Carlos Fragoso and his Maltego flowers 🔗︎

Carlos Fragoso, Maltego’s Subject Matter Expert leading the training workshop at Darkwebathon, shared his intelligence graph resembling a bouquet.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Saumay Srivastava and his extensive hierarchical intelligence graph 🔗︎

Saumay Srivastava shared an nicely structured, hierarchical graph mapping out an extensive network of infrastructure, profile attributions, and other information relevant to the target dark web site.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Bheshaj T. created a dark web sun with golden rays 🔗︎

Bheshaj T. looked into how cybercriminals are using cryptocurrency in the dark web to do illicit activities. The golden color rays are of Maltego Entities representing cryptocurrency intelligence, which made this graph amazingly captivating.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Theodore G. mapped out a complicated CSAM network 🔗︎

1,500 Entities of child sexual abuse material (CSAM) related content, contact, or payment transaction points within one Maltego graph. Theodore demonstrated exactly the capability of link analysis when combined with powerful data sources like Project Hades and CipherTrace.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Sujith Sai trying to identify a person using an email address 🔗︎

Simple, short, but sweet. Sujith Sai pivoted from an email address in an attempt to discover the person’s identity, all made possible in such a concise graph.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Jennifer Herbert identifying Bitcoin addresses potentially used for CSAM 🔗︎

In her informative graph, Jennifer identified several Bitcion addresses linked to a known CSAM onion website. She then went ahead and uncovered more affiliated onion sites using an associated email address.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out her post here.

Lukas McCullough digging into one email address 🔗︎

Lukas McCullough took an email address and dug through a circular graph of all available intelligence linked to the email address.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Miguel Santareno started off with an email address and gradually created an insightful map of the social footprint of a person of interest. The graph includes Entities of activities on LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, and more.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

Ryan Beckner and his globe of intelligence 🔗︎

Participating in the Darkwebathon for the second time, Ryan Beckner generated a cool data globe in Maltego.

Darkwebathon Maltego graph

Check out his post here.

There’s more! Share you own graph using the #MadewithMaltego hashtag 🔗︎

These are just a quick snippet into the amazing effort and outcome of the Darkwebathon 2022 challenges. Check out more of them by searching the #MadewithMaltego hashtag on LinkedIn and Twitter!

We love to see fellow Maltego investigators share their work, so don’t be shy to show the world how beautiful data can be! Tag us on Twitter or LinkedIn and add the #MadewithMaltego hashtag to your post when you do.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn and sign up to our email newsletter, so you don’t miss out on updates and news!

Happy investigating!

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